Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo



Assegnato al Corso di Studio

Lingue e culture straniere (L-11) Lingue per scuole, spettacoli e libri (LM-37) Comunicazione interculturale d'impresa (LM-38)
Giorno Orario Aula

Modalità Didattiche, Obblighi, Testi di Studio e Modalità di Accertamento

Modalità didattiche

Esercitazioni linguistiche


PERIODO I e II semestre
DURATA Annuale
Modalità Didattiche: Esercitazioni linguistiche
Corsi di laurea:
• CL1,2,3, CL4, CL5 e LINGUE E CULTURE STRANIERE: Percorso linguistico culturale occidentale (LOC), Percorso linguistico culturale orientale (LOR) e Percorso linguistico aziendale (LAZ).
• Laurea Magistrale in Lingue per scuole, spettacoli e libri (I e II anno)
• Laurea Magistrale in Comunicazione interculturale d'impresa (I e II anno)

A partire dall'A.A. 2005/06 il lettorato di lingua inglese viene organizzato per livelli di competenza anziché per anno di iscrizione e non si hanno più quindi esercitazioni di lingua per gli studenti del I, II o III anno, ma gruppi individuati secondo il livello di competenza (riconducibili ai livelli del Quadro Comune Europeo).
Prima dell'inizio delle lezioni, alle matricole sarà somministrato un test di lingua che permetterà di stabilire i livelli di competenza linguistica di ciascuno studente. I risultati dei suddetti test permetteranno di costituire delle classi di studio omogenee. In considerazione del fatto che il sistema scolastico italiano assicura un insegnamento diffuso della lingua inglese si richiede alle matricole per tale lingua una conoscenza di partenza che si attesti sul livello A2 del Quadro Comune Europeo (per consultare gli indicatori linguistici per ogni livello Cfr. www.uniurb.it/cla/corsi_di_lingua/quadro_europeo.php). Non sono previsti pertanto corsi intensivi iniziali in lingua inglese e l'eventuale debito formativo dovrà essere colmato dallo studente autonomamente.
Dopo il test di piazzamento, ogni studente sarà inserito in un gruppo adeguato alle sue conoscenze e potrà passare ad un livello superiore previa indicazione del docente e/o superamento dell'esame (relativo al livello frequentato). Si ricorda che per il I anno la prova scritta sarà adeguata al livello B1, per il II anno al livello B2 e per il III al livello C1.
Le prove scritte del corso di laurea magistrale sono equiparabili ai livelli C1 avanzato (I anno) e C2 (II anno).
Per informazioni relative alle modalità d'esame e per eventuali difficoltà nel superamento delle prove scritte rivolgersi a:

Per il CL1, 2, 3 e Percorso occidentale (LOC):
I anno: Carloni (Carducci)
II anno: Ricci (Dawson)
III anno: Ricci (Carducci)

Per il CL4 e Percorso aziendale (LAZ):
I anno: Rossi (Downey/Cullen)
II anno: Calvani (Peterson/Cullen)
III anno: Taylor (Ferguson)

Per il CL5 e Percorso orientale (LOR):
I anno: Murray (Williams)
II anno: Taylor (Dawson)
III anno: Taylor (Zazzeroni)

Per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Lingue per Scuole, Spettacoli e Libri (LM1):
I anno: Mullini (Carducci)
II anno: Mullini (Di Staola)
Per il corso di Laurea Magistrale in Comunicazione Interculturale d'Impresa (LM2):
I anno: Rossi (Ferguson/ Di Staola)
II anno: Rossi (Cullen/ Di Staola)
LIVELLO B1, B2a, B2b (I anno): (Dott.ssa Francesca Carducci, fran.carducci@libero.it, Dott.ssa Elisabetta Zazzeroni, ezazzeroni@yahoo.com, e Dott.ssa Juliet Williams, genwill@libero.it, & new staff member)
-Raymond Murphy (2004). English Grammar in Use. Third Edition with answers (Cd-ROM
pack optional). Cambridge: CUP
-Hashemi L. Murphy R. (2004). English Grammar in Use., Supplementary Exercises with answers. Cambridge: CUP
-Stuart Redman (2003). English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate and intermediate). Cambridge: CUP
Roald Dahl (1979). Tales of the Unexpected. London: Penguin
-Further bibliographical information will be given at the start of the course. Additional materials will be used in class and made available at the CLA or online. Non-attending students are invited to get in touch with their Teachers by email so as to receive information before and during the course.

LIVELLO B2c, B2d (II anno): (Dott. Angus Dawson, angusdawson@fastwebnet.it & new staff member)
Foley M., Hall D. (2003). Advanced Learners' Grammar, a self-study reference & practice book with answers. Pearson Education Ltd (Longman).
AA.VV. (a cura di Henderson R. A.) (2003). Short Stories. CIDEB Editrice, Genova.
Additional materials may be used in class and made available at the CLA.

LIVELLO C1a (I e II anno): ( Dott.ssa Francesca Carducci , fran.carducci@libero.it & new staff member)

Foley M., Hall D. (2003). Advanced Learners' Grammar, a self-study reference & practice book with answers. Pearson Education Ltd (Longman).
Listening lab: During the academic year, a list of Web sites and further bibliography will be made available. Non-attending students are invited to get in touch with Dott. Carducci by email so as to receive information before and during the course.

LIVELLO C1b (III anno): (Dott.ssa Francesca Carducci, fran.carducci@libero.it, e Dott.ssa Christine Di Staola, c.distaola@abanet.it)
1. Ronald Carter, Rebecca Hughes, Michael McCarthy, Exploring Grammar in Context-Grammar reference and practice upper intermediate and advanced (w/key), Cambridge University Press 2000
2. M. McCarthy/ F. O'Dell, English Idioms in Use, Cambridge University Press 2002

Listening lab (Di Staola): The coursework will be based on C1 level audio and video recordings. Class discussion will address language and vocabulary, personal opinion, related topics and comparative analysis. Participation is an essential part of the class.
REFERENCE TEXTS: to be announced
Additional information and/dispensa will be used in class and made available at the CLA.
The accertamento linguistico will be based on a topic from the units in the textbook or from recordings in class or from the dispensa (for attending and non-attending students).

LIVELLO B1 (Dott. Patrick Downey, p.downey@uniurb.it, e Dott. Peter L. Cullen, peter.cullen@uniurb.it)
-Enrica Rossi (2008). English: a Language in Transition in a World in Transition - The Future of English as a Lingua Franca. Urbino: Editrice Montefeltro
-Raymond Murphy (2004). English Grammar in Use. Third Edition with answers and CR ROM. Cambridge: CUP
-Hashemi L. Murphy R. (2004). English Grammar in Use., Supplementary Exercises with answers. Cambridge: CUP
LIVELLO B2 (Dott Peter L. Cullen, peter.cullen@uniurb.it, e Dott.ssa Deborah Peterson, sandroangelini@alice.it)
-Tonya Trappe and Graham Tullis (2007). Intelligent Business UPPER Intermediate (coursebook and workbook). Longman/Pearson
-Paul Emmerson (2006). Business Grammar Builder. MacMillan

LIVELLO C1 (Dott.ssa Elisabeth Ferguson, betsypontellini@yahoo.com)
Saranno utilizzati in alcune parti i due testi indicati per il corso monografico (Inglese 3 Taylor):
- Cleary M., Ferguson E., Taylor, J. (2007). Behind Business. Urbino: Editrice Montefeltro
- Taylor J., Ferguson E., Farwell, C. (2008). Dossier: English for Students of the New Economy - Nuova edizione. Urbino: Edizioni Quattro Venti
Inoltre, saranno utilizzati:
- Foley M., Hall D., Longman Advanced Learner's Grammar: A self-study reference & practice book with answers. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd
- dispensa a cura della dott.ssa Ferguson (Composition and Summary Writing Practice Exercises A.A. 2010-2011)
- Ashley A. (2003). Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence- New Edition. Oxford: OUP. - Foley M., Hall D. (2003). (2° semestre)

LIVELLO B1 (I anno): (Dott.ssa Juliet Williams, genwill@libero.it)
-Murphy R. (2004). English Grammar in Use, Third Edition with answers (Cd-ROM pack optional). Cambridge: CUP
-Redman S. (2004). English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate and intermediate). Cambridge: CUP

LIVELLO B2a (I anno): (Dott.ssa Juliet Williams, genwill@libero.it)
-Murphy R. (2004). English Grammar in Use (Third edition). Cambridge: CUP
-Redman S. (2004). English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate and intermediate). Cambridge: CUP
-Prodomou L. (2005). Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate. Harlow UK: Pearson Education Ltd
-Rossi E. (2008). English: a Language in Transition in a World in Transition - The Future of English as a World Language. Urbino: Editrice Montefeltro

LIVELLO B2b (II anno): (Dott. Angus Dawson, angusdawson@fastwebnet.it)
-Foley M., Hall D. (2003). Advanced Learners' Grammar, a self-study reference & practice book with answers. Pearson Education Ltd (Longman).
-Prodomou L. (2005). Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate (with Key). Harlow UK: Pearson Education Ltd (Longman).
E a scelta, uno dei seguenti testi:
- AA.VV. (a cura di Barrett D.) (1997). Empire Tales. CIDEB Editrice, Genova.
- AA.VV. (a cura di Henderson R. A.) (1998). Four Continents. CIDEB Editrice, Genova.

LIVELLO C1a (I e II anno): (Dott. Angus Dawson - angusdawson@fastwebnet.it e Dott.ssa Elisabetta Zazzeroni - ezazzeroni@yahoo.com)
-M.Foley & D. Hall (2003). Advanced Learners' Grammar Pearson Education Ltd. [Longman]
-Prodomou L. (2005). Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate. Harlow UK: Pearson Education Ltd
-Murphy R. (2004). English Grammar in Use. Third Edition with answers (CD-ROM pack optional). Cambridge: CUP
-Redman S. (2004). English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate and intermediate). Cambridge: CUP
A scelta, uno dei seguenti testi:
- Golden A. (2005). Memoir of a Geisha. London: Penguin Books
- Guterson D. (2005). The Snow Falling on Cedars. London: Penguin Books
- Shafak E. (2007). The Bastard of Istambul. London: Penguin Books
- Alsanea R. (2007). Girls of Riyadh. London: Penguin Books
Materiale distribuito dal docente durante il corso delle lezioni

LIVELLO C1b (III anno): (Dott.ssa Elisabetta Zazzeroni - ezazzeroni@yahoo.com)
-Hewings M. (2005). Advanced Grammar in Use (Second Edition). Cambridge: CUP
-Jordan R.R. (2007). Academic Writing Course. (Third Edition) Longman
-Cleary M. (2005) Ferguson E., Taylor J. (2007). Behind Business. Urbino: Editrice Montefeltro
-Auster P.(2004). Oracle Night. Faber and Faber (distr. London: Penguin Books)

Dispensa a cura del docente per la parte di laboratorio depositata presso la segreteria
I anno (Dott.ssa Carducci & Dott.ssa Di Staola)
Translation and summary/abstract writing skills: (Dott.ssa Francesca Carducci....[fran.carducci@libero.it]
Swales J., Feak C. (2009) Abstracts and the Writing of Abstracts. Michigan: University of Michigan Press
Reference grammar text:
Carter R., McCarthy M. (2006) Cambridge Grammar of English (with CD-ROM). Cambridge: CUP
During the academic year, a list of Web sites and further bibliography will be made available. Non-attending students are warmly invited to get in touch by email with Dott. Carducci so as to receive information before and during the course.
Listening and speaking skills: (Dott.ssa Christine Di Staola, c.distaola@abanet.it) A dispensa will be provided at the beginning of the year. Additional material may be provided throughout the year. Participation is an essential part of the class.
II anno (Dott.ssa Christina Di Staola, c.distaola@abanet.it)
The coursework will be done on a project basis. Texts used are listed below. Work done in class and in lab will be correlated. Students who do not attend the class will be responsible for preparing their projects outside of class. Additional information regarding projects or class work will be made available to students via dispensa and/or on-line.

IN CLASS - In-class work will focus on (but not be limited to) developing written texts and oral presentations which will include:
(1) Analysis and comparison of elements, characters, texts etc, and their presentation in both written and oral form;
(2) Structuring texts;
(3) Structuring and giving presentations; and
(3) Development of personal style (tone, voice, use of specific language etc) in both written and oral presentation.

LAB - Audio and video sources to be used in correlation with in-class work.

WRITTEN EXAM - Students will be required to produce a research paper. Topic and outline of the paper must be sent to the CEL prior to writing the paper (see vademeum and website for additional details).

ORAL EXAM - Students must be able to give an oral presentation of their final paper with or without the use of a power point presentation.

-Sourcework by Nancy E. Dollahite & Julie Haun (Heinle Cengage publisher)
-Essential Academic Vocabulary by Helen Huntley (Heinle Cengage publisher)
-How to Write and Give a Speech by Joan Detz (DISPENSA available at the CLA)

-The Elements of Style by Strunk and White
-On Writing Well by William Zinsser

Texts available at La Goliardica. Other texts may be added during the year. Dispensas may be made available throughout the year.


I anno (Dott.ssa Elizabeth Ferguson, betsypontellini@yahoo.com, Dott.ssa Christina Di Staola, c.distaola@abanet.it)
The coursework will be divided into two parts; students will be asked to participate in the classes taught by both dott.ssa Ferguson and dott.ssa Di Staola, and to complete the work assigned by each CEL on time. The first year of the English course will have two main focuses: translation (dott.ssa Ferguson) and preparing and giving presentations in English (dott.ssa Di Staola). Students who do not attend class are requested to contact their teachers at the beginning of the academic year for help in organizing their studies.

Translation: All reading and translation work must be prepared on time, BEFORE the class in which it will be discussed.
-Taylor C. (2005) Language to Language. A practical and theoretical guide for Italian/English translators. Cambridge University Press
-Dispensa a cura della dott.ssa Ferguson: Translation Work A.A. 2010-2011.
Giving Presentations: The coursework will be done on a project basis. Texts used are listed below. Students who do not attend the class will be responsible for preparing their projects outside of class. Additional information will be made available to students via dispensa and/or on-line.
IN CLASS WORK will focus on:
(1) Written correspondence, drafting of reports and other documents, use of formal and informal language in business;
(2) Presenting information orally
(3) Development of personal style (tone, voice, use of specific language etc) in both written and oral presentation.
(4) Working in teams
(5) Using power point for presentations
(6) Case studies and problem solving

WRITTEN EXAM - to be announced; ORAL EXAM - to be announced

-Presentation series - presentations by Anne Laws (Heinle Cengage)
-Presentation series - writing skills by Anne Laws (Heinle Cengage)
Other textbooks may be added during the year. Additional dispensas may be made available throughout the year.
II anno (Dott. Peter L. Cullen, peter.cullen@uniurb.it & Dott.ssa Christina Di Staola, c.distaola@abanet.it)
The coursework will be divided into two parts; students will be required to participate in the classes taught by both Cullen and Di Staola, and to complete the work assigned by each CEL on time.
Dott. Cullen: Intercultural contexts of the English Speaking World - What do Language, Culture and Business Have to Do with Anything Anyway?
Points of departure and objectives: Much time will pass before scholars understand to an acceptable degree the nuances of relationships between language itself, the peculiarities of the changing English language, and the changing functions of culture in globalizing societies. What are the relationships between language and culture? What are the relationships between English and globalisation, and globalising cultures? What approaches can scholars take to identify these relationships and make sense of them? How do language and culture interact with economic behaviour in globalised business arenas? No small beer here!
The aim of this course is simple - to help students form intellectual frameworks that allow the construction of independent approaches to these questions. Lessons are structured around questions, not data, and success will be measured in terms of methodological approaches to the subject matter.

Materials are available on the CD handed out to students during the first week of class - after which they will be available on the LM2 blog. www.incubu.wordpress.com. Students who cannot come to lessons are expected to make weekly contributions by posting comments on the blog. Written work is due AT LEAST 10 days prior to the beginning of the exam session in which the student expects to take the exam.

Dott.ssa Di Staola: The coursework will be done on a project basis. Texts used are listed below. Students who do not attend the class will be responsible for preparing their projects outside of class. Additional information will be made available to students via dispensa and/or on-line. In-class work will focus on:
(1) Written correspondence, drafting of reports and other documents, use of formal and informal language in business;
(2) Presenting information orally
(3) Development of personal style (tone, voice, use of specific language etc) in both written and oral presentation.
(4) Working in teams
(5) Using power point for presentations
(6) Case studies and problem solving

ORAL EXAM - to be announced
REFERENCE TEXTS: (Required reading):
-Presentation series - presentations by Anne Laws (Summertown Publishers)
-Presentation series - writing skills by Anne Laws (Summertown Publishers)

Other texts may be added during the year. Additional dispensas may be made available throughout the year.

« torna indietro Ultimo aggiornamento: 30/08/2010

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