Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Based on the agreement stipulated between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Italy, in force since 2006, students can ask for an entry visa to study the Italian language in Italy—for 10/11 months before the start of the academic year—and then be admitted to their chosen course of study—after passing the admission tests if required—without the obligation to return to their own country for a new visa.
Access to the courses is permitted exclusively to students who have the B1 level in Italian or have passed the final language test, the admission tests to courses (if required) and have the curricular requirements as laid down by the relative degree course regulations.
The language course may also take place in a different location from the university where students will attend their course of study. 

At the University of Urbino, the Italian language course is organised by Lingua Ideale - Centro Universitario di Lingua e Cultura Italiana per Stranieri. For information on the course visit www.linguaideale.it 


Obligations to be fulfilled in China

Chinese students participating in the “Marco Polo” project must submit their pre-enrolment application on UNIVERSITALY, specifying ‘Marco Polo’ for the reason on the visa application. Enrolling students must specify the university and the study programme along with the University Centre for the Italian language course. The Italian language course can last 10 or 11 months with 100 hours of classes per month.

Obligations to be fulfilled in Italy

Students must be in Italy at the start of the language course. Once students have arrived in Italy (within the first 8 days of arrival) they must regularise their position with regard to the prevailing regulations concerning their permit of stay. For detailed information, go to Visa/Permit of Stay.

At the end of the Italian language course and before the expiry date for enrolment or pre-enrolment indicated for each course of study on uniurb.it/offertaformativa, candidates must refer to Ufficio Relazioni con gli studenti e Applicativi carriere to send out the required documentation and complete the application procedure.     
Students who do not pass the admission tests or, although eligible, do not obtain reassignment to another university or another university course, must leave Italy no later than the expiry date of their visa or permit of stay, unless they have another permit of stay that allows them to remain legally beyond that date.

Documentation required for enrolment

Bachelors and Integrated Masters

To enroll in the first year:
  • Secondary School Leaving Qualification obtained with at least 12 years of schooling, accompanied by official translation*; 
  • Declaration of Equivalence of Qualification (Dichiarazione di valore)** and legalisation*** of signatures by the competent Italian diplomatic authority for the area OR Statement of Comparability and Statement of Verification issued by ENIC-NARIC centres – in Italy CIMEA. Click here to register on CIMEA's DiploME platform and apply for a Statement of Comparability and a Statement of Verification https://cimea.diplo-me.eu/uniurb/#/auth/login;
  • Pass certificate for “Gao Kao” academic eligibility examination with a minimum score equal to that indicated in the pre-enrollment procedure
  • photocopy of passport;
  • photocopy of permit of stay
To enrol in years following the first one in case you have a previous university career (if you have earned credits without completing your studies) as well as the above documents, the following are required:
  • Certificate listing all exams passed and the teaching hours for each discipline, officially translated and legalised;
  • Detailed syllabi of examinations taken and passed officially translated and legalised;
  • Evaluation of the exams passed and course syllabi assessed by the didactics board of the relevant school;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • photocopy of permit of stay


  • Academic qualification obtained at a foreign university, or post-secondary school qualification obtained at a non-university higher education institute that would allow, in loco, the continuation of university studies at the next level. The academic qualification must be supplied with official translation*;
  • Declaration of Equivalence of Qualification (Dichiarazione di valore)** and legalisation*** of signatures by the competent Italian diplomatic authority for the area OR Statement of Comparability and Statement of Verification issued by ENIC-NARIC centres – in Italy CIMEA. Click here to register on CIMEA's DiploME platform and apply for a Statement of Comparability and a Statement of Verification https://cimea.diplo-me.eu/uniurb/#/auth/login
  • Certificate listing all exams passed and the teaching hours laid down for each discipline;
  • Detailed syllabi of examinations taken and passed;
  • Evaluation of the exams passed and course syllabi assessed by the didactics board of the relevant school;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • photocopy of permit of stay;

*Official translation - all documents: academic qualifications, certificates and syllabi of examinations taken must be translated and legalised by the Italian Diplomatic or Consular Authority responsible for the area. 

**The Declaration of Equivalence (Dichiarazione di valore) is an official document describing the title awarded with the qualification it refers to, by an institution belonging to a non-Italian education system.

***Legalisation - Countries who are signatories to the European Convention of Brussels of 25 May 1987, as well as Germany, are exempt from the legalisation of signatures. For countries that signed the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961, documents must carry the “Apostille” stamp, affixed by the local authorities who are charged to do this.

How to enrol in a Degree Course 

Students have to:

  • Send a PDF of all the documentation required and the final certificate of the Italian Language course (at least B1 level) to Ufficio Relazioni con gli studenti e Applicativi carriere at immatricolazione.stranieri@uniurb.it or through the platform helpme.uniurb.it.
  • complete the registration procedure on uniurb.esse3. To register for degree courses with numerus clausus, students must follow the timescales and instructions of each specific degree programme and check the so-called Indicazioni per l’accesso.

Guidelines for the registration procedure.  

Virtual help desk

The Ufficio Relazioni con gli studenti | Office for International students in now using a virtual help desk that will allow international students to speak to an operator booking an appointment for a video call during specific slots.

In order to be able to book an appointment a registration on our platform is required uniurb.it/esse3

Book a video call with the Office for International students uniurb.it/presente

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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