Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

By taking part in the call for applications for part-time jobs (200 hours at the University of Urbino and 150 hours at ERSU) students can obtain further financial support. Students are called upon to collaborate in the various activities of the University, in the administrative offices, the libraries or in various ERSU services. The collaboration does not in any way take the form of paid employment and will not result in any assessment for the purposes of public competitive selections.

For information on calls for applications for part-time work:

For the University: www.uniurb.it – publication of call for applications in March each year in the News section of the portal. For more detailed information apply to the Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato, Via Saffi, 2 (Tel. 0722 305337; Fax 0722 305282) e-mail: orientamento@uniurb.it

For ERSU: Ufficio Provvidenze Individuali (Diritto allo Studio)
Via Veneto No.45, 61029 URBINO (Tel. 0722-350709; Fax 0722-377231)
e-mail: dirittostudio@ersurb.it

www.ersurb.it>altri interventi monetari e in servizi>collaborazioni a tempo parziale

Opening times: Monday to Friday, 9.00 a.m.to 12.00 noon; Tuesday and Thursday, also 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. (during the applications acceptance period, opening hours may vary).

Tutoring work

Each year the University of Urbino publishes a call for applications to recruit students who intend to carry out tutoring work.

What is tutoring

Tutoring is aimed at orienting and assisting students throughout their course of studies, to make them actively participate in the learning process, to remove obstacles to a profitable attendance at courses, also through initiatives related to individuals’ needs, aptitudes and requirements.

In particular, both specific activities of consultancy and tutorial support and activities of “filtering” towards other services offered by the University (psychological consultancy, ERSU services, etc.) are envisaged, at the following stages:

On entry

The welcome stage is the stage following the process of selecting a degree or diploma course. However, the selection process is not always linear and definitive, so that the student who is admitted to the University needs assistance as regards both tutoring and orientation.

Tutoring services offered in this stage are as follows:

  • general information on the logistical, bureaucratic and administrative organization of the University and on the “right to education” services;
  • useful information and assistance for training: cultural opportunities (cultural activities and easy terms for students), recreational and didactic opportunities (libraries, archives) and training possibilities (including scholarships for overseas studies) offered by the University;
  • information of a more qualitative nature about the degree course: main contents, training objectives, basic skills necessary for attending lectures, methods of study.

In itinere
Tutorial work does not come to an end with the welcome stage, as is also clearly stated in the founding regulations, but it continues throughout the whole course of studies.

In this second stage, the information aspect of tutoring becomes less significant (although it still exists) while the aspect of assistance in studying takes on great importance.

The characteristic services in this stage concern:

  • assistance with working out a study plan;
  • assistance with a profitable attendance at courses and guidance in studying;
  • assistance in the choice and compilation of a degree thesis.

On exit

Consultancy in accordance with services already present in the University for internships, on-the-job training and continuation of a career in studying or for introduction into the world of work through the job placement service;

Contacts: Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato, Via Saffi, 2 (Tel. +39 0722 305311/20; Fax +39 0722 305282) e-mail: orientamento@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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