Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

These services are organized by the Urbino ERDIS (Regional Authority for Access to Education). Students who intend to take advantage of these services must make an explicit request for them to ERDIS.

The main services and the activities offered are as follows:

  • reservation of special bedrooms, with easy access to the residences: 8 rooms at the “La Vela” hall of residence are equipped for students with severe disabilities;
  • two dedicated places at the multimedia library;

The following are also provided for disabled students:

  • the publication each year of a special call for applications for 20 places reserved for disabled students and their helpers;
  • an increase in the scholarship amount;

For detailed information on interventions in support of differently-abled students: https://erdis.it/



Ufficio Diritto allo Studio – Sportello Informativo studenti 

Via Veneto, 45
Tel:  +39 0722 350709


Further Information

Total or partial exemption from payment of university fees.

Special-needs students with invalidity equal to or above 66% (Italian Prime Ministerial Decree of 9.4.2001)
Students who have special needs with a degree of invalidity equal to or above 66% are entitled to exemption from tuition fees.

To obtain exemption students must apply, attaching suitable documentation, by the expiry date laid down for enrolments on their courses.

In cases of proven permanent invalidity, presentation of the documentation is due only at the time of the first registration/enrolment.

Special-needs students with invalidity of between 50% and 65% (Italian Prime Ministerial Decree of 9.4.2001)
Urbino University has introduced facilitated payments also for students who have special needs with a degree of invalidity of between 50% and 65%. These students may present – to the relevant Student Secretariat – the appropriate form duly filled in and complete with suitable documentation, by the expiry date laid down for enrolments on their courses.

Students with specific learning difficulties (SpLDs)
Students with specific learning difficulties can apply for assistance or agree on alternative checking methods in university examinations, by completing the special notification form to which a doctor’s certification confirming the disability must be attached. The form and the attached documentation must be presented to the University Office for the Differently Abled.


Ufficio Inclusione e Diritto allo Studio

 Via Saffi, 2
Tel: +39 0722 303030 extension 1

write to https://helpme.uniurb.it/PERSONE CON DISABILITA' - PERSONE CON DSA

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
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