Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Pursuant to Italian Law no. 148 of 11 July 2002, which approves and implements the Lisbon Convention of 11 April 1997, universities are responsible for recognising courses and study periods spent abroad and foreign qualifications, for the purposes of access to higher education, continuing university studies and the award of Italian university qualifications. Universities exercise such competencies autonomously and in compliance with the respective degree programme systems, without prejudice to any bilateral agreements in force.

Applications for the recognition of foreign academic qualifications, for purposes other than those listed above (for example, for participation in public competitions or access to regulated professions), must instead be made to other state administrations. For more information on the recognition procedure please consult the CIMEA website the National Centre for Information on the Recognition of Foreign Academic Qualifications.

The Recognition of academic achievements procedure followed by the University of Urbino is: application for shortening the degree programme — as described in article 20 of the University Didactic Regulations. The application is assessed by the competent Didactics Board. The Didactics Board decides on the possibility of enrolling in a programme year other than the first year according to the number of credits recognised.

How to apply

Documentation required 

Documents required can be found at uniurb.it/requirements-and-documentation.

Virtual help desk

The Ufficio Relazioni con gli studenti | Office for International students in now using a virtual help desk that will allow international students to speak to an operator booking an appointment for a video call during specific slots.

In order to be able to book an appointment a registration on our platform is required uniurb.it/esse3

Book a video call with the Office for International students uniurb.it/presente


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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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