Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Tuition fees are divided into four instalments:

The amount of the first instalment (€156.00) is the same for all students who are enrolling (€140.00 - regional tax and €16.00 - stamp duty).

The amount of the other three instalments varies according to:

  • ISEE University value
  • Degree Programme
  • Year of enrolment (up to one additional year)
  • ECTS credits earned during the 12 months prior to 10 August of each year (from 11 August of the previous year to 10 August of the current year).

Maximum tuition fees apply to students who have an ISEE-U exceeding €70.000 or to students who fail to submit the ISEE-U.

Tuition Fee Schedules and Calculating Fees

To calculate the exact amount, use the prospectus found in the link above. In the first box - choose the Degree Programme (seleziona il corso di studi); in the second box - the year of the course you are enrolling in (a quale anno di corso ti iscrivi?); tick whether you are a part-time or full-time student; tick whether you have acquired the required number of credits for the year of enrolment.

What is ISEE-U?

The Equivalent Economic Status Indicator - University (Indicatore della Situazione Economica Equivalente Università) is a document that indicates the financial situation of the student's family unit. It is calculated annually and it is mainly used to obtain a reduction in tuition fees and special conditions in Italy. Technically, it is an account of the family’s yearly income and property (movable and immovable assets).

In the Italian university system, ISEE-U is used to provide support to each student in line with his or her economic background.

If you are:

  • a foreign student with residency abroad
  • a foreign student resident in Italy but economically dependent on family living abroad
  • an Italian student resident abroad and not registered with AIRE 

you need to submit an Indicatore della Situazione Economica Equivalente Università (Equivalent Economic Status Indicator - University) - Parificato   ISEE-U Parificato

How can I calculate and apply for the ISEE University Certificate?

The ISEE-U is a document that must be calculated and released by a CAF Centre (Centro di Assistenza Fiscale – Fiscal Assistance Centre) when you arrive in Italy. Ask for the ISEE-Università Parificato.

To obtain an ISEE-U Parificato free of charge, please contact the following Office in Urbino:




Address: via Battista Sforza, 50 - 61029 – Urbino

Telephone: +39 0722 4866 - 3485259512

Fax: +39 0722 322667

website cislmarche.it/pesaro-urbino

Office Hours

Monday 08.30-12.30 | 15.30-18.30

Thursday 08.30-12.30

Friday  08.30-12.30

It is advisable to book an appointment in advance.

The service is provided by the University of Urbino Carlo Bo and it is free of charge .

For information regarding the documents needed to calculate your ISEE-U Parificato, please contact the CAF Centre.

What to do once you have the ISEE-U Parificato Certificate

Students can only obtain the entitlement to a tuition fee reduction by submitting the ISEE-U Parificato Certificate on the following website helpme.uniurb.it (please select FUTURI STUDENTI/INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS).

ISEE-U Submission deadlines

The ISEE-U application must be submitted every year. Students must check the deadlines for payment of registration fees. For late payments after the deadline, an additional €40 will be charged. For late submissions of the ISEE-U after the enrolment deadline - i.e. in October for Bachelor's degree programmes and Integrated master's programmes and in November for master's degree programmes - and before 31 December, an additional €150 Euros will apply.

Submission Deadlines

Beneficiary Students of Scholarships from the Regional Authority for University Studies  (ERDIS - Ente Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario). The Regional Authority for University Studies for the University of Urbino is ERDIS.

Students who are awarded scholarships (beneficiary students) from ERDIS are fully exempt from payment of tuition fees (enrolment fees, university fees and regional taxes).

The deadlines for submitting scholarship applications are governed by the regulations of the notice of competition published annually by the Ente Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio - ERDIS.

Payment of tuition fees

As previously mentioned, tuition fees are divided into four instalments. 

Fee payment deadlines  - Fill in the relevant form to learn about the fee deadlines and the amounts that are due.

Registration deadlines - in Italian.

Tuition fees for Single courses

To register for single courses, there are specific fees to be paid at the time of enrolment.

Fees for Single Courses.

Payment Methods from abroad

Online payments using PagoPA with your credit card (foreign bank credit cards are accepted). 

Alternatively, payment by bank transfer using the following bank details:

BANCA INTESA SANPAOLO SPA – Branch of Sassocorvaro Auditore

account in the name of Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo

IBAN IT 12 Z 03069 05825 100000300003


A copy of the proof of payment must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. It can be sent by clicking on the following link  helpme.uniurb.it/FUTURI STUDENTI


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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
2025 © Tutti i diritti sono riservati
