Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2015/2016 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Anna Lia Ermeti

Assigned to the Degree Course

Art History (LM-89)
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The study of the late antique and early medieval campaign in the recent years, has an important development and allowed an extensive overhaul of the knowledge about the characteristics and organization of the territory and its transformations between the fourth and the eighth centuries.

Similarly they have increased knowledge on the structure of the city between the V and the X century, with a marked difference between the late antique city (V - VII century) and the early medieval cities (VIII - X century) .

The course wants to go through a key issue in the Medieval Archaeology, first about the transformation of the territory and the city between the late antique and early Middle Ages, and then taking into account the latest development of studies on the subject, providing the tools to understand and to interpret critically the archaeological sources.


Cities and rural areas : reading of the transformations between Late Antiquity and High Medioevo.

Villages and late antique villas.

The end of the villas.

The barbarian settlement in the countryside.

The castles.

Churches and settlements.

The city and its transformations.

Study of artifacts and architectural structures.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

Course books

S.GELICHI, Introduzione all'archeologia medievale, Roma 1997.

G.P.BROGIOLO, S.GELICHI, La città nell'alto medioevo italiano, Roma-Bari 1998

G.P.BROGIOLO,A.CHAVARRIA ARNAU, Aristocrazie e campagne nell'Occidente da Costantino a Carlo Magno, Firenze 2005.

Testi di riferimento e consultazione:

G.P.BROGIOLO, Le origini della città medievale, PCA Studies 2014

A.AUGENTI, Archeologia della città medievale, in S.Gelichi (a cura di), Quarant'anni di Archeologia Medievale in Italia, Firenze 2014, pp. 173-182.

M.VALENTI, Archeologia delle campagne altomedievali: diacronia e forme dell'insediamento, in S.Gelichi (a cura di), Quarant'anni di Archeologia Medievale in Italia, Firenze 2014, pp.123-142.

Ulteriore bibliografia sarà fornita nel corso delle lezioni.

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