Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2024/2025 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Ilaria Tufano Thursday, 2.30pm-4pm. It will be possible, by appointment, to receive online remotely. For the appointment it is possible to use the email

Assigned to the Degree Course

Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures (LM-14 / LM-15)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

Acquisition of fundamental and advanced notions of Dante's subject matter. Acquisition of fundamental notions of metrics and rhetoric in the medieval age. Acquisition of the stylistic and rhetorical tools useful for the correct reading of medieval poetry and Dante in particular. In-depth knowledge of the Vita nova. Systematic knowledge of the Commedia, in particular of some cantos of the student's choice from all three canticles from a textual and historical-critical point of view. Methodological tools suitable for the correct historical and chronological contextualisation of Dante's works will also be provided..


Course phase one: The Vita nova. The novelty of the lyrics in Dante's libel in comparison to contemporary rhyme. The function of prose. Dante and Cavalcanti. from Cavalcantian stylistic features to the style 'della Loda'. The figure and role of Beatrice in the Vita nova.

Phase Two: Comparisons with other texts by Dante, in particular Book II of De vulgari eloquentia

Third phase: We will tackle the Commedia. Students will have to choose 21 cantos of the Commedia: seven for each cantica. Among the seven cantos of Inferno, Canto V is highly recommended. Among the seven Cantos of Purgatory, Cantos XXIV and XXVI are strongly recommended and will be prashed and analysed during the course.

Bridging Courses


Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

knowledge and understanding: solid knowledge and understanding of Dante's rhymes covered by the course and of 21 cantos chosen from Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise are required

applied knowledge and understanding solid knowledge and understanding of Dante's rhymes covered by the course and of 21 cantos chosen from Inferno , Purgatorio Paradiso  are required: ability to deal with the paraphrase of Dante's text and decode the main rhetorical and metric figures

autonomy of judgment: knowing how to reflect critically on the rhymes and cantos in question and on the evolution of Dante's thought, knowing how to question commonplaces on the exegesis of rhymes and the Comedy  and determine whether or not they have scientific validity.

communication skills: mastery of the specific language of literary studies

ability to learn: development of technical knowledge and formal reasoning skills necessary to (i) undertake in a critical and independent way the analysis of Dante's rhymes and the cantos in question ; (ii) development and critical elaboration of an overall exegesis of Dante's poetry

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

There will be a written test in itinere written, or a closed test with the aim of ensuring self-assessment

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Frontal lessons. Projection of slides

Innovative teaching methods

brainstorming, flipped classroom


In order to take the exam as an attending student, attendance at lessons is compulsory for at least 80% of the total number of hours, i.e. 29 hours out of the total of 36.

Course books

In the examination, the student will be required to have an analytical knowledge of the following primary and secondary texts, in addition to the topics presented by the lecturer in class:

- La Vita nova, edited by Stefano Carrai, Milan, Bur, Rizzoli, 2009

- Commedia commented edition of your choice (we recommend the one edited by A.M. Chiavacci Leonardi for Mondadori; any fully commented edition used in high school may however be useful). - Preparation is required for the cantos chosen by the student.

Among the seven cantos of the Inferno, Canto V is highly recommended. Among the seven cantos of the Purgatorio, XXIV and XXVI are highly recommended. 

- De vulgari eloquentia in blended form

-Michelangelo Picone, Percorsi della lirica duecentesca dai siciliani alla Vita nova, Florence, Cadmo, 219-65 in blended form


Oral exam. The attending student is required to report, during the interview, on the topics covered by the teacher during the course. He must also demonstrate that he has read and understood the study texts listed above. All students will be assessed through the following criteria: (1) knowledge of the subject. - (2) ability to reason adequately on the subject of the question. - (3) ability to expose matter with language properties.

Those tests that demonstrate the student's possession of good critical and in-depth skills, the ability to navigate with mastery within the topics covered in class, establishing links between texts and themes and the ability to use precisely the specific lexicon of the discipline.

Those tests that demonstrate the possession of a mnemonic knowledge of the contents, a discreet critical capacity and connection between the main topics treated in class with the use of a language suitable for the discipline will be evaluated as 'fair'.

Those tests that demonstrate the achievement of a minimum level of knowledge relating to the fundamentals of the discipline, and the use of a language that is not entirely inadequate, will be evaluated as 'sufficient'.

Those tests that reveal difficulties in orientation with respect to the topics addressed in class, serious training gaps with respect to the topics covered during the course, and the improper use of the lexicon of the discipline will be evaluated negatively.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Non-attending students are kindly requested to consult the on-line programme, and to check the availability of the required texts (by checking the Moodle platform ' blended.uniurb.it'). In the event of difficulty, he/she may contact the lecturer by e-mail. The student is invited to examine all the teaching materials on the Moodle platform. The non-attending student is obliged to peruse all the materials that the lecturer enters on the platform and which will be examined. 



Course books

In the examination, the non-attending student will be required to have an analytical knowledge of the texts and essays :

- Dante, Vita nova, edited by S. Carrai, Milan, Bur, 2009

- Dante, Commedia, annotated edition of the student's choice (we recommend the one edited by A.M. Chiavacci Leonardi for Mondadori; any fully commented edition used in high school may however be useful). - Preparation is required for the 21 cantos chosen by the student.

Among the seven cantos of the Inferno, Canto V is highly recommended

Among the seven cantos of the Purgatorio, XXIV and XXVI are highly recommended. 

-Dante, De vulgari eloquentia, blended

- Michelangelo Picone, Percorsi della lirica duecentesca dai siciliani alla Virta nova,Florence, Cadmo, 2003,  pp. 219-65, blended

In addition, in order to give non-attending students the opportunity to compensate with independent study for what is carried out during the lectures, the following materials referring to the same contents of the programme are indicated in order to promote full understanding:

Stefano Carrai, Dante elegiaco. Una chiave di lettura per la Vita Nova ,Florence, Olschki 2006


Oral exam.

Non-attending students must demonstrate that they have read and understood the study texts listed above. All students will be assessed through the following criteria: (1) knowledge of the subject. - (2) ability to reason appropriately on the subject of the question. - (3) ability to expose matter with language properties.

Those tests that demonstrate the student's possession of good critical and in-depth skills, the ability to orient themselves within the topics under study, establishing links between texts and themes and the ability to use in a timely manner of the the specific lexicon of the discipline will be evaluated as 'excellent'

Those tests that demonstrate the possession of a mnemonic knowledge. contents, a good critical capacity and a good capacity for connection between the main topics covered in class with the use of a language suitable for the discipline will be evaluated as 'fair'.

Those tests that demonstrate the achievement of a minimum level of knowledge relating to the fundamentals of the discipline, and the use of a language that is not entirely inadequate, will be evaluated as 'sufficient'. Those tests that reveal difficulties in orientation with respect to the thems in question, serious training gaps with respect to the topics covered during the course, and the improper use of the vocabulary of the discipline will be evaluated negatively.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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