Dipartimento di Economia, Società, Politica
A.Y. | Cycle | Venue |
2018/2019 | XXXIV | Urbino |
Learning Objectives
At a time when European integration and disintegration, and challenges to globalisation dominate current policy concerns, the Urbino Ph.D. Programme offers an opportunity to carry out in-depth studies on the social, legal, economic, political and institutional dynamics behind these challenges.
Two thematic areas are addressed in alternate years:
The thematic area launched in 2018-2019, Global Society, Cross-border Mobility and Law, focuses on cross-border movements of capital, knowledge, labour and people, mainly from institutional, law and sociological perspectives. A specific attention will be given to:
- migrations, cross-border mobility and related policies;
- human rights, welfare policies and cultures in a global context;
- international relations, aid policies and diplomacy.
The other thematic area, International Economic Policy, Business and Governance, (first launched in 2017-2018; next cohort: 2019-2020), focuses on economic and political relations across national borders. A specific attention will be given to:
- economic growth after the Great Recession, technological change and inequality across and within countries;
- the international strategies of firms (multinational corporations and SMEs), finance and labour;
- political processes and policies carried out by European and international institutions and major countries for the governance of globalisation.
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Career prospects
The Ph.D. Programme in Global Studies aims to provide interpretive tools and methods for the in-depth analysis and understanding of different aspects and mechanisms of globalization processes. A stimulating learning environment will be offered to prepare qualified experts at the cross-roads of different disciplines, able to undertake research and/or operational responsibilities in different (private/public/business/academic) institutions. The programme is developed over three years:
- a first year of courses and exams in Urbino;
- a second year of international research and training, mainly spent in European universities associated to the Programme;
- a third year of research activity to complete the Ph.D. thesis and initiate publications of research results.
Contents and structure of the course / Syllabus
Activities of PhD Students
The first year will be dedicated to courses, exams and other teaching and research activities in Urbino, in the context of the Renaissance city, part of the part of UNESCO World Heritage.
Courses with exams will be taught in English, and will be structured into teaching modules organised over two months periods: six weeks of teaching, one week of study, one week of exams (written tests and/or papers). An additional session of exams will be offered in September 2019. Admission to the second year will depend on students’ achievement of a satisfactory score at final exams in each teaching module.
Seminars (with no exams) will address specific topics in Economics, Business, Political Science, Sociology and Law. Some seminars will be held in Italian.
Introductory and background courseswill be held in September-October 2018, in order to fill gaps in students’ competences in English for academic purposes; Foundations of Sociology; Introduction to legal studies; Economics & Business; Politics)
The second year of the Ph.D. Programme will include:
- Identification of a supervisor, start and development of a research project that will be presented at the annual workshop of Urbino Ph.D. candidates, with a start of the preparation of the Ph.D. thesis;
- at least six months of research, lectures and training at another international University, to be agreed with the Ph.D. coordinator;
- participation to selected courses, seminars and conferences of the Urbino Ph.D. Programme, including those of the thematic area on International Economic Policy, Business and Governance;
- attendance of advanced special courses in relevant research topics and methods.
The third year will be devoted to the following activities, both in Urbino and at international universities:
- completing of the Ph.D. thesis;
- participation to selected courses and conferences relevant for the Ph.D. topic;
- presentation of papers at international workshops and writing of journal articles.
Information about final examination
Course structure and research training
In the 2018-2019 edition on Global Society, Cross-border Mobility and Law the following provisional calendar will be followed:
First year - First semester
- Introductory and background courses (English for academic purposes; Economics & Business; Politics; Foundations of Sociology; Introduction to legal studies)
- First Module: History and trends of Globalization; Research Methods 1; Research Methods 2; European Institutions and Law
- Second Module: Global trends in migration; Global politics and governance; Global trends in legal culture; Geopolitics
- Seminars
First year - Second semester
- Third Module: International cooperation; International economic policy and institutions; Human rights in a global perspective; Global value chains and labour; Legal techniques of European integration
- Fourth Module: Cities and regions in a global perspective; Comparative and global welfare policy; International crime; Global education policy and science diplomacy
- Seminar
Second year
- Up to one year of research at a major university cooperating with the University of Urbino Ph.D. Programme.
- Definition of the Research Project Proposal
- Participation to selected Doctoral courses, Summer Schools
- While in Urbino, attendance of Seminars and of one course chosen among the ones offered for the 2019-20 Edition of the Programme, focused on “International Economic Policy, Business and Governance”.
Third year
- Thesis development and completion
- Participation to selected Doctoral courses and Seminars
- Presentation of papers at International Workshops and writing of journal articles
- Weekly Seminars will cover highly debated and cutting-edge themes, advanced research methods and tools, and research funding strategies.
Board of Lecturers
Did you know that?
Professional opportunities
The Ph.D. in Global Studies allows participants to develop a wide variety of skills and competences useful for an international career in research/teaching or in the private/public sector: strong analytical skills, ability in collaborative work, effective oral and written communication skills, deep cross-cultural competences, wide knowledge of the global socio-institutional context.
Notably, PhD graduates will be well placed to apply for the following professional opportunities:
- academic positions/careers in University Departments/ Research Centres active in the Global Studies area and in the main related disciplines;
- positions/careers as managers/analysts in:
- International governmental organizations and NGOs active in the economic-social setting, in both advanced and developing countries
- Local, national and transnational organizations and agencies supporting the internationalization processes of SMEs and social companies
- Business enterprises and professional firms (consulting/legal sector) active in international projects
How to apply for the Ph.D. Programme in Global Studies. Economy, Society and Law
- Admission
- Course with limited number of positions
- Admission deadline
- Applications due by 15/06/2018
- Useful information
The selection of applicants will be based on their previous academic performance, on their knowledge of English, and on the preliminary research project they will present.
The Official Call for AA 2018/19 has been published, the deadline for applications is June 15th 2018 12:00 CEST. Interviews will be held on June 28th 2018.
Candidates will have to document a university career of at least 4 years to be assessed by the Ph.D. Selection Committee. Preference will be given to candidates with a background in: Sociology, Law, Political Science, Economics, Business. Selection will be based on:
- A detailed CV in English
- Documents concerning their past academic career, to be produced in one of the following languages: English, French, Italian or Spanish.
- Proficiency in English (in the case of non English speaking natives). Candidates exhibiting a certification equal to (or higher than) B2, or equivalent, will be given priority.
- Two letters of reference in English.
- A preliminary research project of up to 3000 words, written in English, focusing on one of the main topics covered in the PhD programme: (i)migrations, cross-border mobility and related policies; (ii) human rights, welfare policies and cultures in a global context; (iii) international relations, aid policies and diplomacy. The research project should have the following structure: a) state of the art; b) research objectives c) methodology; d) expected results.
Candidates will be interviewed on the date and at the location indicated in the Official Call. The interview can take place online (via the university web conferencing platform) on the same day and time, provided that it is requested in the application (using the specific form). The aim of the interview is to evaluate the cv and other documents, discuss the research project and assess the actual proficiency in English. Candidates not showing up will not be considered for selection.
Support for online registration can be obtained by contacting the following email address: phd-global-studies@uniurb.it
Useful documents and materials
Information on teaching and research activities
- Contacts
- Eduardo Barberis
- +39 0722 305745 phd-global-studies@uniurb.it
- Alba Angelucci
- phd-global-studies@uniurb.it
Administrative contacts
- Secretary’s Office
- Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
- Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
- Office hours
- Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
- Contacts
- Tel. +39 0722 304630 dottorato@uniurb.it