Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Camp - season 2

pubblicato il giorno 16/11/2023


The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) kindly asks you to inform all students, researchers and young faculty members at your institution of the opportunity to become part of the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Camp (EMIC) journey by applying to this region-wide competition for 18-35 year-olds 🌐
EMUNI has now extended its application deadline for EMIC to 26 November @23.59 CET ⏰
Candidates aged 18-35 with a novel idea or invention can apply, addressing one of these critical thematic areas: Health, Renewable Energy, Environment (including Climate Change).
Please find attached updated promotional material for EMIC to share as you see appropriate. The link to the EMIC website is 👉 https://emic.si/ 
What do potential applicants need to know?
This year, the EMIC Winner will receive 5,000 euros and a bundle of benefits to help make their innovation a reality. 💡
🌟 APPLY BY 26 NOVEMBER, 2023 🌟
👉 https://emic.si/
📅 Finale: May 20-24, 2024 in Piran, Slovenia
🎯 Who: Youth aged 18-35 from Euro-Mediterranean countries
Candidates who progress through the competition will work with top institutions:
• EMUNI University in Piran, Slovenia
• Institut "Jožef Stefan" in Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Université Euromed de Fès in Morocco
EMIC is officially supported by:
• Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
• Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia
• Union for the Mediterranean

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