Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

The admission of Ph.D. students to the following year of the Ph.D. programme is subject to the positive evaluation formulated by the Board of Lectures.

Please note: do not proceed with the enrolment until you have received the official communication from the Ph.D. Office regarding your admission to the following year.

Enrolment of Ph.D. students with a scholarship

Scholarship holders must pay € 156.00 (stamp duty and regional contribution). By November 30th they must also submit a self-certification, to confirm the right acquired at the time of first enrolment (see Forms - Self-certification of scholarship renewal requirements).

The form must be uploaded by the Ph.D. student on his/her personal page choosing“Allegati carriera/Carreer attachments” from the menu on the top right. As type of attachment, please select “Atti carriera/Student career documents”.

Enrolment of Ph.D. students without a scholarship

Ph.D. students without scholarship must pay € 156.00 (stamp duty and regional contribution).

Payment modalities

The payment of the contribution must take place by November 30th. After that date an additional late payment fee of € 40.00 will be charged.

Go to www.uniurb.it/studentionline and follow the procedure indicated below:

  • Select “LOGIN” from the menu and enter your credentials issued at the time of registration (username =n.surname@stud; password = personal code).
  • Select Payments from the menu and click on the relevant invoice number. Different payment methods will appear:
    • Pago con PagoPA it is possible to pay online payment through credit institutions that adhere to the PagoPA system (see list)
    • Stampa Avviso per Pago PA: it is possible to pay in person by printing the payment notice to be presented at the counter of one of the authorized merchants (including tobacconists where the Sisal Pay or Lottomatica service is active) or one of the credit institutions who adhere to the PagoPA system.


Documento File
Selfcertification Scholarship renewal requirements
Form for enrollment in subsequent years after the first year.
Relazione Annuale / Annual Report
Form for enrollment in subsequent years after the first year.

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
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