Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

For secretarial services (issuance of certificates, administrative procedures…):

Ph.D. Office (Ufficio Dottorati, Post Laurea, Esami di Stato)

  • Open to the public: from Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 1 pm

Address and contact details:

Via Veterani, 36, 61029 Urbino (PU)
Tel. +39 0722 304632 /+39 0722 304638 / +39 0722 304639
Email: dottorato@uniurb.it

For information relating to the payment of scholarships:

Settore Risorse Economiche - Ufficio Trattamenti Economici e Previdenziali


Palazzo Benedetti
Via Puccinotti, 25
61029 Urbino PU 


Francesca Fumelli
Tel: +39 0722 304435
Email: francesca.fumelli@uniurb.it

For information relating to the obligations related to the prevention and protection of workers in the workplace:

Ufficio Prevenzione e Protezione di Ateneo

Sede e recapiti:
Via Veterani, 36, 61029 Urbino (PU)
Tel. +39 0722 304218
Email: ufficio.prevenzione@uniurb.it

Administrative Departments of the Ph.D. Programmes (for information regarding the Ph.D. students’ research budget, missions, the use of laboratories…):

Ph.D. Programme in Biomolecular and Health Sciences
Department of Biomolecular Sciences (DISB)

Via Sant'Andrea, 34

Ph.D. Programme in Global Studies. Economy, Society and Law
Department of Economics, Society, Politics (DESP)

Via Saffi, 42

Ph.D. Programme in Research Methods in Science and Technology
Department of Pure and Applied Sciences (DiSPeA

Via Sant'Andrea, 34

Ph.D. Programme in Humanities
Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies (DISCUI)

Via Saffi, 15

For information regarding the insurance and to report claims:

Ufficio Contratti e Convenzioni

Address and contact details:
Palazzo Benedetti
Via Puccinotti, 25
61029 Urbino PU

Stefano Zazzeroni
Tel: +39 0722 303558
Email: contratti@uniurb.it

For information on canteen and accommodation services as well as on ERDIS scholarships: ERDIS - Regional Body for the Right to Education

For Urbino specific information click here.

Address and contact details in Urbino:

Diritto allo Studio
Via Veneto, 43
61029 Urbino PU
Tel: +39 0722 350709

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
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