Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

The joint supervision of a Ph.D. thesis allows PhD students, enrolled at the University of Urbino or at a foreign university, to prepare the Ph.D. thesis by carrying out alternate research periods at the home university and at the partner university.

The preparation of the thesis will be supervised by two thesis directors/supervisors, one for the University of Urbino and the other one for the partner university.

The Ph.D. thesis will be discussed in a single venue and after the discussion, following a favourable evaluation by the examination board, a double degree of Ph.D. will be awarded by the contracting universities.

The joint supervision of doctoral thesis can be activated in favour of doctoral students enrolled in the 1st year of a Ph.D. Programme.

The Ph.D. student for whom a joint-supervision has been activated is compulsorily enrolled in both institutions but pays the enrolment fee at only one of the contracting institutions, being exempted from paying the same at the other institution.

He/she carries out his/her research at both institutions for alternate periods of study agreed with the two thesis supervisors.

The Ph.D. student for whom a joint-supervision has been activated should spend abroad a research period between 12 months (minimum) and 18 months (maximum).

The final exam takes place in a single session in the presence of a mixed commission composed of members of both institutions.

Activation of a joint-supervision

The joint-supervision of a thesis is activated through a specific agreement stipulated between the Rectors of the concerned universities.

Currently, CRUI has signed framework agreements for the co-supervision of theses with France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland (at the bottom of the page). In the case of co-supervision with universities belonging to one of these countries, it is therefore only necessary to stipulate the specific (nominal) agreement of the doctoral student.


  • Being enrolled in a Ph.D. Programme at one of the two universities involved.
  • Favourable opinion of the Board of Lecturers of the Ph.D. Programme at the signing of the joint-supervision agreement and approval of the latter, also certifying the availability of the financial resources necessary for its realization.
  • Stipulation of a nominative joint-supervision agreement for each Ph.D. student.

The agreement must be completed by the candidate, together with his supervisors, according to the standard scheme available at Ph.D. Office.

Please note: Candidates are responsible for the correct fulfilment of the procedure concerning their own joint supervision. It is therefore recommended that candidates make appropriate contacts not only with potential supervisors, but also with the administrative offices involved in this type of procedure in both universities to find out about admission procedures and deadlines.

Documento File
Accordo quadro CRUI-CPU (Italia-Francia)
Accordo quadro CRUI-CRUE (Italia-Spagna)
Accordo quadro CRUI-CRUS (Italia-Svizzera)
Accordo quadro CRUI-HRK (Italia–Germania)

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