Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Applicants who have secured a Ph.D. position must complete the enrolment (including the payment of the fee) within the date stated in the Decree of the Rector with the final merit ranking published at the Official Register of the University.

Online enrolment procedure

In order to access the online procedure you must be registered to ESSE3, the Online Secretariat of the University of Urbino.

Candidates who have not yet registered:

  • Go to: uniurb.it/studentionline
  • Select REGISTRAZIONE/REGISTRATION from the Menu (top right of the page).
  • Insert the requested personal details to register and then follow the instructions below.

Candidates who have already registered:

  • Go to: uniurb.it/studentionline
  • Select LOGIN: enter your username followed by @stud (username@stud) and the password you’ve received at theend of the registration procedure to enter the reserved If you do not remember your credentials, you canretrieve them by selecting PASSWORD DIMENTICATA/FORGOTTEN PASSWORD from the menu and then following the instructions
  • Select IMMATRICOLAZIONE, and click on IMMATRICOLAZIONE at the end of the table
  • Select IMMATRICOLAZIONE STANDARD> and then click on “Avanti” (forward)
  • SCELTA TIPOLOGIA TITOLO (choice of type of title) select “Corso di Dottorato”
  • SCELTA CORSO DI STUDIO> select your Ph.D. Programme
  • AUTORIZZAZIONI PER IL TRATTAMENTO DEI DATI PERSONALI (select Yes to authorise the treatment of yourpersonal data)

You have the option to add a residence permit (if you do not have one yet, just click “avanti”, forward) and to indicateany type of invalidity, just click Avanti if you do not have any

  • ESONERI just click AVANTI

How to enrol

The enrolment is done through the online procedure, according to the instructions provided above. Once you have completed the online procedure, you must:

  • Pay the enrolment fee, using the payment modalities indicated under PAGAMENTI/PAYMENTS on the menu of yourpersonal page
  • Upload a recent photo of yourself, selecting FOTO/PICTURE from the Requested size: passport size (seecharacteristics of a passport photo)
  • Insert a copy of a valid identity document under DOCUMENTI DI IDENTITA’/IDENTITY DOCUMENTS
  • The enrolment is considered completed and accepted only once the above documentation has been uploaded into the student’s personal

Documentation to be attached to the application form by winners with scholarship

The following documentation must be inserted in your reserved area under ALLEGATI CARRIERA/Career attachments (tobe selected from the menu on the top right of the personal page). Please add a clear description of the document and select "ATTI CARRIERA STUDENTE/Student career documents" as type of attachment:

  • declaration of scholarship winners (with this form you declare that you accept the scholarship)
  • (for female students only) declaration that you have been informed about the maternity protection legislation
  • declaration of external activities (with this form you must declare any paid activity you are carrying out, whichwill overlap with your scholarship)

Documents that must be uploaded after the arrival in Italy:

  • scholarship collection form “modulo riscossione borsa”
  • for non-EU citizens: copy of the residence permit issued by the Italian Police or of the relative application receipt;
  • receipt of registration to the Gestione Separata dell’INPS* - by November 30th.

Obligations for scholarship holders

Ph.D. scholarships are subject to the payment of INPS social security contributions under separate management (art. 2paragraph 26 of Law 335/95 and subsequent amendments).

All Ph.D. students with a Ph.D. scholarship are therefore obliged to enrol in the "Gestione Separata dell’INPS", unless they have already been registered to it for previous working relationships, even with other employers/institutions.

Foreign candidates will receive the necessary information for the enrolment to the Gestione Separata INPS after the arrival in Italy.

Documentation to be attached to the application form by winners without scholarships

The following documentation must be inserted in your reserved area under ALLEGATI CARRIERA/Career attachments (tobe selected from the menu on the top right of the personal page). Please add a clear description of the document and select "ATTI CARRIERA STUDENTE/Student career documents" as type of attachment:

  • (for female students only) declaration that you have been informed about the maternity protection legislation
  • declaration of external activities (with this form you must declare any paid activity you are carrying out, whichwill overlap with your scholarship)
  • for non-EU citizens: copy of the residence permit issued by the Italian Police or of the relative application receipt (this document has to be uploaded after your arrival in Italy);
  • IBAN code communication (this document has to be uploaded after your arrival in Italy).


Ph.D. students must pay a student contribution (156,00 euros) which includes the duty stamp and the regional tax.

Payment modalities

Once you’ve completed the online enrolment request, return to your personal area, select PAGAMENTI/payments from themenu and click on the invoice number to see the different payment options:

  • Pago con PagoPA: it is possible to pay online through one of the credit institutions who adhere to the PagoPAsystem
  • Stampa Avviso per Pago PA (print PagoPA NOTICE): you can also print the payment notice and bring it to one ofthe authorized operators (including Tabacchi shops where the Sisal Pay or Lottamatica service is active) or to acredit institution who adheres to the PagoPA
Documento File
Declaration of winners of a scholarship
First year enrollment form
Declaration of external activities
First year enrollment form
Notice for working mothers
First year enrollment form

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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