Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

For each Ph.D. programme, a certain number of scholarships are available, as detailed in the relevant Selection Call.

Starting from July 1st, 2022 the yearly gross amount of the Ph.D. scholarship is €16.243,00 including the social security contributions borne by the recipient (Ministerial Decree No. 247 of February 23rd, 2021). Since January 1st, 1999 such scholarships are subject to the separately managed INPS contribution as foreseen in art. 2, subparagraph 26 of law 335/95 and subsequent changes and integrations. The INPS contribution is paid for 2/3 by the Administration and for 1/3 by the recipient. The scholarship is not subject to the Personal Income Tax (law 476/84 art.4; law 398/89 art.6, subparagraph 6).

The duration of the scholarship is equal to the legal duration of the Ph.D. programme (3 years).

Scholarships are annual and are confirmed yearly based on the Board of Lecturers’ decision about Ph.D. students’ admission to the following year.

The scholarship is paid in postponed monthly installments.

Research Periods Abroad

Furthermore, the academic training of Ph.D. students may include research periods abroad. During these periods, which cannot exceed twelve months (extendable to eighteen months in case of a joint-supervision agreement), the scholarship amount is increased by 50%, also subject to the INPS contribution.

Research Budget

As foreseen by Ministerial Decree 226/2021, starting from the first year, each Ph.D. student (including those without a scholarship) is granted a research budget aimed at covering the costs related to the research activities carried out in Italy and abroad, amounting to at least 10% of the scholarship amount. The budget is managed by the Administrative Department of the Ph.D. Programme.

  • XXXVII and XXXVIII cycles: Guidelines for the use of the 10% budget for research activities in Italy and abroad are available here.
  • Starting from the XXXIX cycle: Guidelines for the use of the 10% budget for research activities in Italy and abroad are available here.

ERDIS scholarships

Ph.D. students who do not benefit from a Ph.D. scholarship and who meet certain income and merit requirements can apply for an ERDIS scholarship.

For more details regarding such scholarships and to consult the relevant call, please see https://erdis.it/

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