Edgar Javier Sanchez Carrera
0722 305559 | edgar.sanchezcarrera@uniurb.it | |||
Curriculum | Sito web | |
Associate Professor in Economics at Department of Economics, Society, and Politics at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo.
In addition, as of August 2018, he is Research Fellow at the Research Center in Applied Mathematics of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico.
Edgar is Ph.D. in economics at the University of Siena (2010), Italy, under the supervision of Costas Azariadis and Lionello F. Punzo, and the evaluation commission by Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis and Elvio Accinelli. Edgar's PhD thesis explored the evolution and strategic foundations of Poverty Traps. In 2010, Edgar received the Vinci Prize for the best doctoral thesis in economics in Italy from the Parthenope University in Naples, Italy.
From 2011 to 2017, Edgar served as Visiting Professor-Researcher at: i) the Faculty of Economics of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, and ii) at the University of Siena, Italy. Being a lecturer on Economic Theory, Microeconomics, Econometrics, Economic Development, and Economic Growth.
In 2014 Edgar was a postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Washington University in St. Louis, USA, under the supervision of Prof. Costas Azariadis.
Edgar is graduated in 2003 in economics at the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico. In 2005, Edgar completed his Master's degree in mathematical economics at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México, and in 2007 a master's degree in political economy at the University of Siena, Italy.
Edgar's main fields of research: behavioral macroeconomics; microeconomics and macrofoundations of economic growth, institutional and development economics, problems and troubles of economic development, evolutionary game theory, applied econometrics, and poverty traps.
He is a regular member of the American Economic Association
He is a regular member of the European Economic Association
He is a regular member of the National System of Researchers level II, of Conacyt-Mexico.
He is a regular member of the Econometric Society
He is a regular member of Società Italiana di Economia
"On Mexican Poverty-Trap Regimes and Struggling to Escape Them" (with A. Risso), Macroeconomic Dynamics
"On optimal lockdown policies while facing socioeconomic costs" (with Gubar, Policardo, Taynitskiy), Annals of Operations Research
"Macrodynamic Modeling of Innovation Equilibria and Traps" (with Ille and Travaglini), The B E Journal of Macroeconomics
"Growth and Inequality in the Mexican States: Regimes, Thresholds, and Traps" (with Brida, Risso, Segarra), Papers in Regional Science
"Policy Choices and Compliance Behavior in Pandemic Times" (with Calcagnini, Pavlinovic, and Policardo), Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination
"A predator-prey economic system of tax evasion and corrupt behavior" (with Accinelli, Garcia, Policardo), Journal of Dynamics and Games
"On the economic growth equilibria during the Covid-19 pandemic" (with Bischi and Grassetti), Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
"Economic growth, poverty traps and cycles: productive capacities versus inefficiencies" (with Giombini and Grassetti), Journal of Economic Studies
"Asymmetries in the euro area and TFP growth: evidence from three major European economies" (with Bellocchi and Travaglini), Journal of Economic Studies
"Long-term causes of populism" (with Bischi and Favaretto), Journal of Economic Interation and Coordination
"Network Structures and Poverty Traps" (with Gubar and Oleynik ), Dynamic Games and Applications
"Evolutionary Dynamics of Poverty Traps", Journal of Evolutionary Economics
Prodotti della Ricerca di Edgar Javier Sanchez Carrera.